Watch Out! Here comes the Neige et Glace

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With one of the hottest summers on record coming to an end, it’s time to think about snow and Ice.  Known as France’s ‘little Siberia,’ the area on the edge of the Swiss border, between the Doubs and the Jura offers everything necessary for a successful winter rally, where slipping and sliding is guaranteed.  Run in three loops and returning each night to the same comfortable hotel in Malbuisson, the sporting regularity event is a real challenge to those looking for a winter motoring adventure.  Zaniroli Classics also offers a touring option that runs concurrently with the event they call “la plus sportive des hivernales”, using all the same infrastructure, but where participants can go at their own pace without the pressure of timing.   Dates are 12-15 February.  See for entries.

PHOto Courtesy Zaniroli

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