On the subject of HTPs
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They promised us better communication
and they have delivered
In early January an online seminar demonstrated to the representatives of the ASNs how to use the new portal that tracks the HTP. This will help not only competitors, but also inspectors and ASNs to track the progress and status of any HTP. It is free for anyone to use and can be found at htp.fia.com. You can now check on the status of your HTP by typing in the ASN number assigned to it when you applied.
It is a time-honoured tradition to blame the woes of the world on the FIA, especially when going for an HTP. The FIA is aware of these criticisms and tries to react, but with an organisational structure that puts the ASNs in the front row, things have sometimes felt murky and non-transparent to the applicants. Things became much easier some years ago when the FIA put all the original homologation forms online, and recently, it has completed its project to put all the HTPs online too.
Things do sometimes get better. If they carry on like this, we’ll soon have to find someone else to blame!
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