Balade de Bastogne

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While the Royal Automobile Club de Spa was busily finalising the preparations for the early February Legend Boucles @ Bastogne, the next edition of the very popular Balade des Legend Boucles Bastogne has been set for Saturday 6 May.  Created by ‘accident’ when the competitive Boucles had to be postponed due to COVID, Belgium was not completely locked down at the time and so rather than let the route and all the planning go to waste, they invited anyone with a car to come and follow the route book.  It was an instant success and is now firmly on the annual calendar.

The organisers guarantee a new, original route, in the footsteps of the sections taken by the crews of the Legend Boucles @ Bastogne in recent years.  Once again, Eric Chapa is in charge of this route and the production of the road-book, which will not include any difficulties, the idea being to allow as many people as possible to see the special stages from the inside and to have a good time in the spring in the heart of the province of Luxembourg, at the wheel their car.  See for details.

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