Automobile Week St Moritz

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Kilomètre Lancé

Amongst the activities comprising St Moritz Speed Week, or to give it its proper name the Internationale St. Moritzer Automobilwoche, is the much touted Kilomètre Lancé, which last year attracted record-breaking cars and motorbikes from owners and museums out onto the Samedan airfield to test their powers of acceleration.  Entry is now open for this year’s event, with priority given to cars from the years of 1929 and 1930, the years the original event took place.  Vehicles are not limited to the pre-war years, and all Grand Prix cars of any age are welcome, as are modern cars and bikes of particular interest.  When its over, historic and interesting planes are invited for a fly-in.  It is the opening event of Automobile week and takes place on 8-11 September.  Contact for entries for this and other Speed Week activities.


Bernina Gran Turismo

Dates for the 2023 Bernina Gran Turismo hillclimb have been announced and entries are now open.   Limited to 80 cars, there are categories for both racers and regularity runners on the mountain pass that links La Rösa with Pontrasina in Switzerland’s Engadine Valley.  The 5.7km hillclimb is the final event in what has become the St Moritz Automobile Week, and involves concours, rallies, tours, auctions seminars and other motoring-themed activities, based in and around the famous ski resort.  Dates for Automobile Week are 8-17 September, culminating in the hillclimb which takes place on the weekend of 14-17 September.  See for all the information and entry forms.

For more news and previews see our March 2023 issue – also available in digital format

These stories are all from the pages of Historic Motor Racing News.  Some have been abbreviated for this web site.  If you'd like to receive the full version, please visit our subscription page where you will find postal subscriptions available.  A full subscription also entitles you to access the current issue online (available soon), so you can take it with you and read it anywhere, and we are working on providing full access to our archives of back issues exclusively for our subscribers.